Foot discomfort does not have to be apart of your everyday life and in many cases one consultation may be all that is required to obtain effective relief from your pain
Heel Pain

Heel pain (sometimes known as plantar fasciitis) is one of the most common causes of pain in the foot. At Coleraine Foot Clinic we will advise you about the various options for treatment that can be used to relieve your discomfort so that you can make an informed decision about how you want to proceed.

Ingrowing Toenail

If you are experiencing discomfort at the side of your nail it may be because of an ingrowing toenail. An ingrowing toenail can be caused by a small spike of nail pressing in to the skin and it can become red, swollen, tender and infected. Painful toenails can also be caused by a build up of dry skin or a corn underneath the nail bed. If an ingrowing toenail becomes a recurring problem it may be beneficial to have a small section of the nail removed under local anaesthetic. This is a very straightforward procedure and is a permanent solution for painful ingrowing toenails. If you would like more information on what is involved please speak to your Podiatrist.

Corns and Callous

Corns and callous are a common problem and are usually due to pressure from footwear or as a result of the natural structure of our feet. Removal of the corns and hard skin can be done painlessly and will relieve discomfort and help to keep you comfortable and active!


Coleraine Foot Clinic

Sandel Village, Knocklynn Road,
Coleraine, BT52 1WW

028 7032 8400